Policy for Members:

1. Members and their immediate family (at the discretion of the Session) may avail themselves of the use of the church facilities if there is no conflict with church functions. The church calendar will take precedence over the requested wedding date.
2. The wedding order of service, assisting pastor/pastors, and music will be presented to the currently serving pastor of Shearer Presbyterian Church for his approval no less than one month before the date of the wedding ceremony. The pastor, in accordance with his conscience, has complete jurisdiction and approval over what is to be performed in the service and will report such decisions to the Session for final approval.
3. The pastor will meet with the bride and groom to determine that they are in compliance with the basic tenets of the Christian faith and that the officiating pastor and elements of the intended service do not violate the scriptural principles of the Presbyterian Church in America.
4. The facilities (sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen, and rest rooms) are offered free of charge with the understanding that these facilities will be left in the clean and orderly condition in which they were found. Any damage that may occur during the wedding celebration will be brought to the Board of Deacons for resolution.
5. No alcoholic beverages will be served in church facilities, and the responsible party is asked to restrict all suggestive dancing. nor will dancing be permitted. Shearer Presbyterian Church is a smoke-free facility.
6. If celebratory rice, bird seed, etc. is thrown outside the church, the wedding participants are responsible for cleaning up the steps and walkways.
Policy for Non-Members:
1. Non-members requesting the use of church facilities for the purpose of a wedding will be held to the same policy restrictions as those of members with the following additional stipulations.
2. The fee for use of the sanctuary will be determined by the Board of Deacons. The fee is to be payable by cash or one check only with $100 of the stated fee refunded if the facilities are left in the order and state of cleanliness in which they were found. The Board of Deacons will determine if the refund is warranted after examining the facilities.
3. The pastor will meet with the Session and present his findings regarding the wedding service and make recommendation that the Session approve or deny use of the church facilities.


Due to the rapid acceptance of so-called same-sex marriage in our government and military, the Session of the Shearer Church, Mooresville NC, meeting Sept 16, 2013, hereby resolves the following:

1. Whereas, our Standard as a Church of Jesus Christ is His Holy Word (Matt 28:20);
2. and whereas His Word teaches that “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen 1:27);
3. and whereas “God brought the woman He created to the man He created” (Gen 2:22);
4. and whereas, the pattern of marriage is that “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5);
5. and whereas Scripture gives many examples of marriage between a man and a woman, even comparing the union of Christ and His Church to a marriage (2 Cor 11:2);
6. and whereas it has been the unanimous belief and practice of Christendom that marriage should be between a man and a woman;
7. and whereas the Westminster Confession of Faith, our creedal standard among Presbyterians, states, “Marriage is to be between one man and one woman” (WCF 24:1);