Welcome to Shearer Presbyterian Church PCA
We are blessed to have you join us!

What is it like?

Shearer is a friendly church that will welcome you with open arms! Our worship is based on the Reformed tradition with a blended use of music and liturgy. Service starts promptly at 11:00 am and will usually last until a little after noon.


What about my children?

Shearer has a full Sunday school program for children. During the Sunday school hour and worship, a nursery is provided for the little ones. There is also a children's church during the worship service for children under 7.


Where do I park?

There is ample parking and several spots for visitors in the front lots. Accessible parking can be found in front of the Sanctuary doors and beside the entrance to the Fellowship Hall. 


What do I wear?

At Shearer, fashion is the last thing we think about.  You will be welcomed dressed in your everyday clothes. 


How can I get connected?

During your first visit, you will be welcomed by greeters who will offer you a welcome bag with information about Shearer. You will be asked to provide your name and phone number so the pastor can contact you. You can stay up-to-date on what's happening at Shearer by visiting this website and by following us on our social media.