shearer choir

Shearer Choir

Gail Parker Music Director

Come join the Choir and sing the praises of God 

Practice Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM

Golden Age Senior Group

We are a group of seniors from the community who meet the first Monday of the month at 11:00 AM. We have lunch and a lot of fellowship. You do not have to attend Shearer to be a part of this lively group. We have a devotional and usually have a fun activity such as joke telling, watch a video and some time we will have a live performer. It is a fun time and you don’t want to miss the chance to see some old friends or make a new friend or two.

Summer Missions Team

Become a part of the Summer Missions Team for a rewarding experience helping those in need. In 2019 we will be returning to Hope Remains Ranch in South Carolina.  Hope Remains Ranch helps developmentally needy children and their family through Christian equine therapy.  They serve hundreds of families through their after school and summer programs. Contact Pastor Gullett for more information.

Missionary Support

Shearer Presbyterian Church Supports many missionaries throughout the World and the US through financial and material support.

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)

Shearer supports the Davidson College RUF. both financially and through providing food and drinks for their meetings. RUF is there for student Christians to grow in their faith during their college years. It also exposes students who may not know Christ, with an oppertunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Next Session

Register or more information call (704) 236-7570, Jim Biggler

Grief Share

is an outreach ministry of Shearer Presbyterian Church.

It is a friendly caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences, the loss of a loved one. It is built around a 13 week curriculum to move you from mourning to joy. Call the Shearer Presbyterian Church or visit New Session is on going now, from 9:30AM – 11:30AM to register or more information call (704) 236-7570 to Register, Jim Biggler


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What is Griefshare?