Caroline Cleaveland
Caroline Parker Cleaveland is the daughter of Mike and Gail Parker, Music Director, and is married to Christopher Cleaveland. Their son’s name is Christian.
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Caroline joined the Shearer staff in 2003 as Church Pianist. Caroline also works in Human Resources at the Electrolux North American Corporate Headquarters in Charlotte. She has a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Heather Hager
Young People's Director
Bio Pending
David Christian
Technical Director
AAS Electronic Engineering, Synergetic Audio system Certified, Kramer AV Certified.
The Technical Director is responsible for all the church’s technology including internet, website, wi-fi, audio, video, security systems, computer systems and other technical needs. The Sound And Light Team (SALT) is led by the Technical Director.
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David is married to June Fisher Christian and has two son’s Chris and Tyler
David has been involved in technology for over 60 years since starting out as a radio and TV repairman. He served as a Communication and Navigation Technician in the US Marine Corps working on jet fighter aircraft. After the Marines graduating from Rowan Cabarrus Community College with an AAS Degree in Electronic Engineering. David had a 35 year career with GE Healthcare System where he worked in Engineering as International Service Vascular Support Engineer and as manager of Support Services in the Southeast USA. After retirement David started and currently runs a web design and development company, K Town Design in Kannapolis, NC
Board of Session
The Session is Responsible for the Spiritual Health of the church and its members. Another responsibility is to make sure the church is staying within Biblical standards and is responsible for the overall operation of the church. Pastor Stout, Moderator
Dennis Drennen, Clerk
Cory Wing, Worship
David Pruitt
Bill Everett, Education
Weldon Hill
Jim Bigler
Mark Brady, Activities
Jim Newcombe
Elder Emeritus
Bob Haddock
David Christian
Safety Team
Director: Mike Gross
The Purpose of Security is to protect the people from possible threats from both outside and within the church. It is made of members who are trained in threat assessment and defense.
Board of Deacons
The Deacons are responsible for the Mercy Ministry of the church. They help provide for those in need in the community and our congregation. They also take care of the bulding and grounds of the campus and help with physical needs of the members as needed. They also handle all the church finances at the direction of the Session.
Travis Pruitt
Mark Hager
Rich Musetti
Wyatt Martin
Josh Page
Josh Roseman,Chair
Jeffery Hager, Vice Chair
WIC (Women in the Church) Council
The WIC Council lead the Women’s Ministry of the church. They administer the women’s circles and serve families who have had a death by serving a meal for the family after the memorial service. The women serve an important role by providing meals for the church’s many activities. The women also help prepare food for the Reformed University Fellowship of Davidson College. Women also serve a major role in serving by teaching our children and young women, as good Biblical role
Sound and Light Team (SALT)
The SALT teams purpose is to spread the Gospel by making sure the Word of God is clearly heard and seen, using technology.
SALT is responsible for the sound, Video, Livestream, and Network in the church facilities. We also assist members with computer questions and training. We provide assistance at all church functions as needed. SALT is not responsible for private functions using church faccilities.
If you wish to join the SALT team contact the Technicial Director. We will train you to the level that you wish to participate. We are looking for dependable, teachable individuals. Technical experience is helpful but not Required
Current Members:
David Christian(Technical Director)
Weldon Hill
Craig Haddock
Josh Page
Jack Huggins
Major Events
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Worship
Christian Education
Wed. Night Prayer Service