When You Visit Our Church:

Be sure to fill our the contact form at bottom of the page.

Visitor Parking

When you enter the parking lot, look for our Visitor Parking Spaces. These are reserved spaces near the front door just for you.


Dress as you like. Jeans and Casual dress are welcome. You may even see some bib overalls, as well as suits and ties. 

1 Samual 16: 7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Handicap Access

We have handicap parking near the sanctuary access ramp located to the left side entrance to the sanctuary. There is also handicap parking near the entrance to our Fellowship Hall and Education Building. If you need any assistance, just ask one of our greeters at the front door.

Fellowship Breakfast

Morning Breakfast

Fellowship Breakfast

A fellowship breakfast is served in the fellowship hall at 9:00 AM. Go to the right and down the sidewalk that goes by the parking area to the double doors and into the fellowship hall. After the blessing then just jump in line and help yourself. You can expect a number of our members to welcome you.


Christian Education

Following breakfast at 9:45 AM, you are welcome to join one of our Christian Education Classes. We have Classes for children and Adults. We use a quarterly schedule and class subjects usually change at the beginning of each quarter. A nursery for infants and toddlers up to four years old is provided.


Children’s Church

The Children up to age 7 are dismissed after the Pastor’s Children’s Chat to attend Children’s Church. Where they learn about the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ and have Fun Christian Educational Activities

Small Groups

We have several small groups meeting in members homes, at various times throughout the year. They are a great way to get to know each other better and share our joys and griefs to church family who truly love you and want to share in your life.

Loving People

People with Big HeartsExpect to be greeted by some of the most loving people you have ever met.

Our restroom are located in the sanctuary out the door to the left next to the piano and on the left. The ladies restroom is past the bulletin board across from the library and meeting room on the left. In the Fellowship Hall, the rest rooms are located on the left as you enter the Fellowship Hall entrance.

What People Are Saying About Shearer

Felt Like Home

I began my affiliation with Shearer through their monthly bluegrass ministry. After that, my wife and I began attending regularly on Sundays as well. It immediately felt like home to us, and since, we have joined the church. The people are warm and friendly, and the church is still holding to time tested and Biblical truths.


Pastor Steve Gives Brilliant Sermons

Shearers church gives a small country feel with traditional values and a big heart.  As new members we were embraced by the entire congregation.  It feels like a big family here, with a hot breakfast every Sunday followed by Sundayschool before church.  Pastor Steve gives brilliant sermons with lots of meat and no artificial fillers; he’s the best pastor we’ve ever had.  It’s the real deal here at Shearers Presbyterian, and that’s why we love our church!


The Music I Love

I have been going to Shearer since I was a small child. Although I live in Boone now, I come as often as I can and when I can’t I watch the service on line. Steve is a great preacher and is especially good about visiting with the sick and with families at the hospital. The music I love and the small church atmosphere where everyone knows everyone


Joyful Worship


Shearer Worship Service

Our Worship service begins at 11:00 AM. If you enter the front door, one of our greeters will welcome you and give you a bulletin that contains the order of service and announcements. It also contains sermon notes that allow you to follow and review the major topics of the sermon. It will also contain a schedule of coming events and activities. Our dress is casual or more formal, what ever you prefer. Most of our members wear bluejeans and polo shirts but some wear coats and ties too. We believe what is on the inside of the heart is more important than what you wear on the outside. 1Samuel 16:7  But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 

Blended Worship Style

Our worship style is a blended mix of traditional with some contemporary music mixed in with a lot of bluegrass and country influence. If you play an instrument and wish to join in, then come to our 8:30 musician’s practice on Sunday Morning. We also have a choir that that you  are welcome to join. They practice on Wednesday at 7:00 PM following our 6:00 PM prayer service

Intercessory Prayer

We have intercessory prayer where you can bring your prayer request or your friends needs before the congregation. We always close with the Lord’s prayer.

Expect to hear a lot of Scripture Readings by one of our Ruling Elders during the service.

The Lord’s Table

We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month. All confessing Christians in good standing and clear conscience of any evangelical denomination are invited to the Lord’s table.


Check Out Our Worship Video Archives

Small Group Education 

We have Small Groups for Adults outside of our normal Sunday schedule. Consider joining one of our Small Groups meeting in various locations or one of the lady circles.  Click Here for more information Here

What We Believe

SUMMARY: It’s rather remarkable how little one must believe to be saved (“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved” Rom 10:9), so this list of non-negotiables springs from the basic core of what is essential to salvation.

The starting point for every Christian would seem be THE BIBLE AS THE WORD OF GOD, as everything else flows from the Scripture.  So then, my reading and study of the Bible leads me to believe that the 66 books of the Bible are the written Word of God, being “God-breathed” (2 Tim 3:16) and thus without error (1 Thess 2:13). The Bible is thus is the final source of authority for the believer and for the Church in every issue of life (Matt 4:4).

The next question is how to interpret the Bible. My reading and study has led me to view the Scriptures as the Covenant Document of God, who saves His people by virtue of His everlasting covenant (Heb 13:20). This covenant is revealed historically though Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, culminating in the New Covenant ratified by Jesus at the Last Supper (Matt 26:28). The blessings of the Covenant are applied to believers by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who brings them into possession of them though union with the Risen Lord. The final stage of the Covenant is the “regeneration of all things” when God shall dwell with His people and they shall dwell with Him (Rev 21:3).  This covenantal structure gives me the broad lens by which to view the individual parts of the Bible.

Prioritizing these individual parts of the Bible is the next step in determining what is non-negotiable. While every word of Scripture is given by the Spirit (1 Cor 2:13), some words are credited with greater importance, as when Jesus defines Deut 6:5, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” as the “foremost commandment”  (Matt 22:37–38). He follows this command with Lev 19:18, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” remarking, “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matt 22:39-40). Clearly, the believer ought to categorize Scripture into these broad topics: how to love God and how to love others.

The teachings of Scripture that relate to loving God start with what knowledge is essential to salvation, and these would include the issues that I deem to be non-negotiable. Under this heading of Personal Non-Negotiables, I list the following: what is necessary to believe about God, about Christ, about the Holy Spirit, about sin, about salvation, and about the gospel.

1] GOD AS TRIUNE: I believe that the one true God exists eternally as three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, whom together are to be worshipped and adored (Matt. 28:19).

A] God the Father planned salvation by providing the means by which sinners can be forgiven and fellowship with Him, and that is supremely though His grace and mercy (Eph 1:3–6);

B] God the Son purchased salvation by being revealed in the flesh as Jesus of Nazareth, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life and conducted a miraculous ministry; however, He was falsely accused and unjustly crucified, yet through this deed, Jesus offered Himself to the Father as a propitiatory sacrifice for sins, having our iniquities laid upon Him. The Father rewarded the faithfulness of His Son by raising Him physically from the dead, and crowning Him as King of kings at His ascension. Now at the Right hand of the Father, He “ever lives to makes intercession” for His people, anticipating His personal return when His kingdom shall become exclusive (Rev 11:15).

C] God  the Holy Spirit applies salvation to His people by drawing them to Christ, convicting them of sin, regenerating them to new life, and keeping them unto eternal life.

D] While the doctrine of the Trinity is mysterious to us, it is the revelation of Scripture and should be received with reverence.

MAN AS SINFUL: Although originally created sinless, Adam fell from his righteousness and plunged all humanity into sin (Rom 5:12), so that now “every intent of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually” (Gen 6:5). If sinful people remain unrepentant, God will declare them to be guilty at Judgment (Rom 3:19) ,and they will perish forever (2 Thess 1:9). The only escape is “repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21), thus necessitating the  proclamation of the gospel to the world.

GRACIOUS JUSTIFICATION THROUGH FAITH: I believe that only those who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are justified by God, being declared righteous on the basis of the righteousness of Christ alone (Rom 3:24). Justification cannot be earned by works or deserved by merit, but it is a free gift bestowed by the grace of God to sinners deserving of wrath; instead, from the moment of justification, there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). Those who are justified will inevitably grow in personal holiness (Heb 12:14) and corporate service to the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit so that each believer takes the Lordship of Christ to every area of society, being involved in the establishment of biblical truth, reconciliation and justice wherever sin still usurps the rightful reign of King Jesus (1 Cor 15:25–27).

4] PROCLAMATION OF THIS GOSPEL: The Lord Jesus gave His church its non-negotiables in His Great Commission, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt 28:18-20). Thus, the doctrines of “first importance” that the believer and the Church are to proclaim in evangelism to the lost are “that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures and that He appeared … “ (1 Cor 15:3–5), and that He will raise who are his at His coming  (1 Cor 15:23).

Safe and Clean Nursery Provided

We provide a nursery for infants up to 4 years old during Worship and Christian Education. Our nursery is clean and staffed by people who have gone through a criminal background check. If your child has a food allergy or other special need, please inform the nursery workers. Please provide your own bottles and diapers or other special items.

Young People’s Ministry

Childrens Church

As it can be difficult for young children to sit still and benefit from our regular worship service. Here at Shearer after the Childrens Chat the children ages 4 to 7 years old are give the option of attending Children’s Church. Here they will recieve age appropriate Christian instruction in a safe, fun and loving enviroment. 

Child Protection Policy

Shearer Presbyterian Church is sensitive to the heightened need to protect children under the age of 18. All persons involved in any youth program are required to go through a criminal background check. In addition we require at least two adults to be present at all youth functions.

Shearer Chapel

The Old Shearer Chapel

Church History


Shearer was established in the late 1800’s by Davidson College President Dr.  John Shearer as Shearer Chapel


Historical Timeline


1888 The first church services were held on land owned by William Hugh and Mary Jane Andrew Johnson.


Dr. J. B. Shearer and some Davidson College students held the services.


1890  On September 8, one acre of land was bought for $20.00 and a deed was executed.  One year later a second acre was bought for $1.00.


1890-91—The first church structure was built for $400.00.  Church members raised $200.00 and then Dr. Shearer matched that amount dollar for dollar. Two years later the church was ceiled and provided with seats.  Shearer’s Chapel was born.  From 1888-1894 the church held no official status.


1894 Concord Presbytery issued a commission to organize the already established forty member church now to be called Shearer Presbyterian Church. The first building served the congregation for 67 years.


1923—Two new rooms were added to the front of the  church.


1949—The congregation approved the building of a new church.


1951– The new church was completed for $12,000.00 including the furniture.  The church was dedicated on November 25.


1953—Two new classrooms and two restrooms were added to the back of the church.  These rooms are know today as the


  1. Kenton Parker Library and the pastor’s study.


1956—The congregation voted to buy adjacent land for church use.


1958—The old church was sold to the highest bidder.  Joanne and Gus Dingler’s home is built out of the lumber.


1960—The new manse was built.


1961—One hundred and forty one new cemetery lots were added to the existing 43 lots.


1963-64—The new education building and fellowship hall were erected and dedicated.  The new facilities cost $80,280.44, in cluding the furniture.


1986– The church,  concerned with growing liberalism in its former denomination, changed its affiliation to the Presbyterian Church in America.






Monthly Schedule

Wednesday Night Prayer Service

Starts at 6:00 PM

A time for singing Hymns

We are currently reading and meditating on Psalms

A Time to Pray for the needs of Ourselves, Family, Friends, The Country and the World

2nd Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal and Hymn Sing

Starts at 6:00 PM

Bring your carry in dish to share.

Followed by our Regular Wednesday Night Prayer Service

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